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Quote- Discount Column

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    Quote- Discount Column


    Is there a way to completely remove the discount column from our quotes? My sales people like to lump sum their discounts as a line item at the bottom of the quote rather than doing it on a per item basis. The reason being that we usually receive a % discount from our partners across a package or for a particular quote, this discount almost never pertains to just one item. We are currently just entering one line item towards the bottom of the quote where we show our $ discount and a brief description, but the discount column makes the discount confusing for our customers. This would also allow us to open up more room for the description column, which is sorely lacking in space.


    Re: Quote- Discount Column

    If you refer to the formats of the printed quote then definitely yes. Using the build in Report Designer you can customize the printed Quote forms not to include the discount column and then allow more space to the line description.


      Re: Quote- Discount Column

      Ah, I didn't go over to the "Lines" tab. My apologizes, it's been a while since I messed with report designer. I initially opened it and didn't see those columns and thought they must be hard-coded somehow. Thanks again!

