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MSP Invoicing based on asset count

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    MSP Invoicing based on asset count

    I am sure this has been asked and answered before but my searches have come up empty. I am using GFI as my RMM and CommitCRM does connect to it. I want to set up MSP contracts that can bill based on the number of assets that come over from GFI. So basically, if a workstation or server is added to the mix, I would like my billing to automagically pick it up on the next monthly invoice run and charge for it.

    Is this possible and is there any documentation explaining how to accomplish this?


    Re: MSP Invoicing based on asset count

    What an RMM Contract covers should be represented by the list records of Contract-Price Charges tab. For example:
    5 X monitored PCs for $15/each
    2 X monitored server for $100/each

    The contract monthly price is the total of the above.

    When new GFI MAX devices are added you need to update the coverage price manually (e.g. the above). I do see the point of what you're after and this actually brings some interesting things for us to consider. However, when it comes to billing clients there are so many cases, that it should probably be kinda more controlled. For example, maybe the new Device being monitored is a new PC that is replacing an old one... so now the price should not change... but it would have. Another example a monitored PC is down for a few weeks because the person using it on vacation - do you want the system to charge the client less as the PC is not being used and hasn't been detected for a while? etc.



      Re: MSP Invoicing based on asset count

      I understand your point but that would be up to me to remove the PC from the dashboard or mark it as not active inside CommitCRM. I can always alter the invoice before posting it if necessary.

      Just a thought on making the billing easier for monthly MSP contracts.

