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Original Email File could not be found...

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    Original Email File could not be found...

    Hello - was in a ticket that was created earlier today and from the tickets window, in the resolution / history tab, went to read the New Ticket email by double clicking on it to read it, and received the following pop-up:

    Original Email File could not be found or there are insufficient privileges to the Emails files store folder.


    Please verify that you have full access permissions to this server folder and that the Email Connector store folder settings are correct.

    (2 1 N U:\XternalDataFiles1\)

    I manually navigated to that folder (\\LPC2\Docs\), pass; side note we did switch our main DOCS folder about two years ago from C:\Docs (same as \\LPC2\Docs, now a local workstation) to U:\Docs when we migrated Commit from a Win7 machine to a 2012 server; Did note in \\LPC2\Docs there are a lot of .eml from 2012 and 2014. None from 2013. /shrug?

    Went to Settings--> Commit Email Connector--> Configuration Check - PASS.

    Searched for similar in forums, found one same, tried the fix run msimn /reg - no joy.

    Please advise. also perhaps point me in a direction to ensure no future emails are being saved to C:\Docs (\\LPC2\Docs) and that they are all going to Somewhere under our U:\ drive?

    Thank you!

    Re: Original Email File could not be found...

    Thank you for posting this.

    All email messages filed in RangerMSP by RangerMSP Email Connector are stored in a server side folder configured for RangerMSP Email Connector.

    You can find the currently configured folder by running <server>\RangerMSP\Server\ServerConfig.exe. Visit the Email Connector tab and click Advanced Options and then click the Configure button under 'Store Folder'. A window will open for the ‘Default Filing Folder’. There you can specify how the server sees the path and pay particular attention to how Client PC's see the path.

    You should also verify that all users have full access rights and all privileges to the same folder using the configured network path (for example, if it is defined using the drive letter U: all users should have U: configured and it should point to the same folder + they need full access rights to this folder).

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Original Email File could not be found...

      Following the above directions did point to one issue, ‘Default Filing Folder’ was pointed to local machine instead of server path.

      This has uncovered I think a completely new (but related) oh-what-the-hell-did-I-break issue unfortunately.

      On the server, it appears I have two DOCS folders, located at:

      The <server>Commit\Docs folder has 473 folders by client name, and .eml files, most recently dated 5/9/14

      <server>Docs folder has 79 client folders, with a *lot* of .eml files saved there up to and including current emails as of today 5/19/14.

      If I remember correctly (and I sure may not be at this point) the correct / main DOCS folder by default should be <server>Docs, correct? I should not have a Docs folder under <server>Commit\Docs? Or should there be two? Or? ack!

      Next question, the ‘Default Filing Folder’ for the email connector store folder - that should be <server>Commit\Docs, or the other, <server>Docs? or some other place completely?

      Lastly, I think I know how (partially) I ended up in this mess, noticed about 1-2 months ago (looking at folder dates timeline seems right) I did adjust on the employee OPTIONS->DOCUMENTS Path again as for some reason while attaching a document most were going to the correct location U:\Docs but a few were still wanting to go to a C:\Docs path.

      I am presuming I need to... check / verify OPTIONS->DOCUMENTS Path again; ensure U:\ is pointing to the same spot from all workstations; apply the first fix you provided (email); and move everything from the incorrect DOCS folder to the right one (somehow without breaking the associated link to the doc).

      So please tell me where everything should be going, and how to properly move the items in the wrong DOCS folders.



        Re: Original Email File could not be found...

        Let us try to clarify what kind of files may exist in RangerMSP and where they are usually saved:

        1. Documents can be created within the application or dropped into it and would be stored in the system default Docs folder defined under Options-> Documents or Account specific folder (that every Account can have its own documents directory which you can define through the Details tab in the Accounts window).

        In general there should be one main default folder for Documents, probably the other one you have was created and used at some time but it should not really be there unless defined for a specific Account. The main default Docs folder location is up to you and it can be wherever you want, subject to access privileges of course, as long as you define it.

        The default filing folder is just a default folder for cases where the Account does not have a Docs Dir folder set or that it is not accessible.

        If you move the docs folder at some point you can update the paths as described here.
        Though having documents saved in different folder make it more complicated.

        2. Also there are email messages (.eml files) representing the original emails sent in to create/update Tickets and these go in the default filing folder if you have defined an one in the ServerConfig/Store Folder, otherwise they go under the \RangerMSP\XternalDataFiles1 folder. Email Messages are saved in the folder root.
        It is possible that email messages files were saved under different folders as a result of changing Store Folder in ServerConfig. In such case ​it may help to copy all eml files saved under the folders root (and not in sub-folders) to the one folder and then set Store Folder in ServerConfig, just make sure that it is accessible from all workstations. You can also move all email files to the \RangerMSP\XternalDataFiles1 and then you can safely remove the definition of this Store Folder in ServerConfig.

        ​Hope this helps.​

