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Opportunity - Lost vs Cancelled/On-Hold

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    Opportunity - Lost vs Cancelled/On-Hold


    We're now very much 'stuck in' to using opportunities

    What is odd though is why would the the different 'states' of an opp be

    1) Open
    2) Won
    3) Lost
    4) Cancelled/On-Hold

    surely it should be

    1) Open
    2) Won
    3) On-Hold
    4) Lost/Cancelled

    It seems very 'dangerous' to have an On-Hold oppt bundled in amongst cancelled oppts no?

    We actually utilise the 'Stage' field to show the progress of an oppt

    1) Negotiation
    2) Quoted
    3) To Be Ordered
    4) Ordered
    5) Delivered
    6) Invoiced
    7) Paid
    8) Cancelled/Lost

    So at least we can actually mark an oppt as 'Cancelled/Lost' using the stage but yeh what's with the 'states' being illogically set like this/what are we missing please?

    Re: Opportunity - Lost vs Cancelled/On-Hold

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Actually there are really only two states, open and closed - won, lost and cancelled/on-hold are all 'closed'. When you close the opportunity (in either of those three states) you can then specify the reason which can be 'On Hold' or 'Cancelled' or any other reason you want. You can then easily filter the list based on the Reason field. Even if the current names don't see quite right, you can always add your own in the way that you did.

