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Add New Asset Shortcuts

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    Add New Asset Shortcuts

    I've asked for the ability to bulk add new assets in the link to GFI but previously that was shot down. If that's still not possible it would be really nice if you could at least add shortcuts to the process so my mouse is not flying all around the screen when adding 30 assets that were pulled in from GFI.

    Right now, when I install a new client site with agents, those entries will get added to the CommitCRM Assets area. However, I have to view the list, select the item, click Next, click Add New then go back to New Link to resume going through the list. If you add shortcuts, it would be ideal if all of there were Alt + N. That way, I could go through my list, press Alt + N with the first item selected, press Alt + N to Add New for the new item, then press Alt + N for New Link so I can go back to the unlinked Assets.

    This would be incredibly easy to implement and almost as good as adding the feature to bulk link/add new assets.

    Re: Add New Asset Shortcuts

    This makes perfect sense! Thank you for suggesting this.


      Re: Add New Asset Shortcuts

      I agree with this. We have this issue on a weekly basis. +1 from me!

