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Search Charges by text

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    Search Charges by text

    RangerMSP User Question*

    How do I search for Charges containing some specific text?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Search Charges by text


    You should first open the main Charges window using the left side pane. Then, change the DATE RANGE to include charges back from the date you want to search. Next click the Filter button, and select to filter by Description > Includes (as the condition) > The text to search.


      Re: Search Charges by text

      Have you considered adding Descriptions from Charges (and from other detail records like Messages, Pending) to the main full-text Tickets search? Perhaps there could be a check box before the Filter check box to "Include Details."

      So far I haven't found a list of which fields are included when searching Tickets, but it seems to be Problem Description, Problem Resolution, and Notes. Especially Problem Description and Problem Resolution are usually written in simple terms because they appear on customer reports. So the real technical detail, the stuff you need to find later when you have a similar problem, is in the Charges.

      For example, the Problem Description might be "Can't browse Internet" but the Charge would indicate "ipconfig shows IPv6 DNS issue. Change DNS to IPv4 as primary following [URL some long technical article]." Later when I need to check DNS or IPv6 issues I want to see this ticket and find that URL.

      Mark Berry
      MCB Systems


        Re: Search Charges by text

        Thank you for posting this. We will take a note of your suggestion.

        The existing text search in Tickets simultaneously searches for that searched word in the Ticket's Problem, Resolution and Notes fields.

