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Change to item cost

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    Change to item cost

    Hi guys,

    I think I have asked this before, but I am still struggling. We quote extensively through CommitCRM and as such have an increasing number of Items listed. The problem we have is that we use CommitCRM to generate a monthly profit report, which calculates the difference between the cost of an item and the price the customer has paid. My understanding though is that whilst we can change the customer price readily and this is held within each charge, the item cost is held with the item itself?

    This means that if an item cost price changes (which it does regularly), we have to create a new item, hence we have loads of identical items of which the only difference is the cost price.

    Can anyone assist?


    Re: Change to item cost

    No, I don't think that is correct. After the charge is created, it contains the cost AND the markup.

    You can safely change all of your item's costs, without affecting existing charges.

    HOWEVER, I don't know this for sure on quote line items. I would test it out. Or wait for Commit support to chime in.


      Re: Change to item cost

      Thank you for posting this.

      @neil.ewing, you are correct that the Item Cost (used to calculate profit & loss) is stored only in the Item itself and when generating a Report the cost used will be whatever is currently defined for that Item, so you do need to create a new/copied Item when the Cost changes. This should not be confused with Price and Markup/Discount which are stored in the Charge and can be changed at the time of making the Charge.

      @lpopejoy, it works the same way with Quotes.


        Re: Change to item cost

        You've got to be kidding, right? So every time the cost of an item changes we create new items?


          Re: Change to item cost

          Yes, I feel that it needs to be looked at in a future release. Our buy prices change daily, and we end up with a lot of duplicated items with different buy prices. It makes doing quotes a bit awkward!


            Re: Change to item cost

            It's not actually necessary to create new Items when the cost changes if you don't need the cost history.

            Thanks for asking anyway, your feedback is noted.

