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Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found

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    Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found

    RangerMSP User Question*

    When I forward an email to the public email address, the contents of the email are not appearing in the Ticket Preview. I get the following message instead:

    “The textual email content cannot be displayed. No text/plain section found. Use the ‘Show Original’ option to view the message in your email client application”.

    Is there a way to have the email message showing in this area?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found


    This happens when plain text part is stripped from the email. In general every email includes two parts - a textual part (text/plain) and an HTML based part. Only textual part of the incoming email is displayed under the Ticket History. Please click here for resolution instructions for Exchange and Office365.


      Re: Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found

      has anyone else gotten this to work?
      I completed the powershell commands listed and changed our O365 account so now it is set to HtmlAndTextAlternative. I also read where another Commit user used the ps command Set-RemoteDomain Default -TNEFEnabled $false and that worked for them. Even after both of these changes, all of our emails pulled in through the connector say 'The textual email content cannot be displayed. No text/plain section found' unless we send them in plain text only- anyone else have any pointers so that we can see our communication listed correctly in the ticket history?


        Re: Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found

        FWIW, the suggested solution usually works well and once the textual part isn't stripped out of incoming emails the email content is nicely listed within the ticket.


          Re: Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found

          Hmm- well I followed those directions I believe exactly. Running the command against 365 get-casmailbox | fl *pop* returns the entry:

          PopMessagesRetrievalMimeFormat : HtmlAndTextAlternative

          TNEFEnabled is also set to false for the domain. I'm just hoping someone else had this issue and can offer up a suggestion because following the previously noted 365 instructions didn't work. Or does this work for everyone and I need to figure out if I need to change something in my Commit or 365 settings?


            Re: Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found

            Hopefully this will help someone else- after hours of pulling hair out with powershell (and I am certainly no expert in it)- this is the command that made it work (in addition to the suggested solution)

            Set-CASMailbox -Identity "" -PopUseProtocolDefaults $false

            Once this was set we can now see all emails in the Commit Resolution/History box


              Re: Emails in Ticket History - no text/plain section found

              Great to hear that you managed to resolved this and thanks for sharing the above with the community. We've already updated our Office 365 documentation to include this command as well. Thanks!

