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My Commit CRM crashes down

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    My Commit CRM crashes down

    Hi Commit CRM,

    I am using a registered Commit CRM, it crashes down every 4pm UTC +8:00, when I started it again, the link is lost even their files at drive c://commitcrm/client and other files was lost. Any help is needed. I am using this software on a WLAN where the files been save on a server.

    Re: My RangerMSP crashes down

    Is there some scheduled job running at that time which may interfere with RangerMSP in some way or the WLAN connection to the server? What OS are you running it on? Any other details you can provide would be useful.

    Also you can send us your logs for further analysis via Help > Tech Support > Send Log Files.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: My Commit CRM crashes down

      Hi Commit CRM Team,

      I sent a separate email to support @ and attached our log files their.

      I also tried to reinstall Commit CRM on the server with my latest back-up and it works just fine. Today, we are observing the WLAN connection if will interfere and will be suspected as the cause of loosing these files on our server.

      By the way, the end user's PC is using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit while the server is Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.


        Re: My RangerMSP crashes down

        We've replied to your email. In general we don't recommend working with wireless connections due to stability issues which can cause database connection problems.

