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    Re: CommitCRM

    I think the bottom line is that we all love - or at least like to some extent - CommitCRM as a product. If we didn't there are plenty of competitors who would love to on-board anyone of us today.

    The frustration that is being expressed here is maybe more around the length of development time. It took nearly 9 months to get a product that had only marginal increases in functionality (and this wasn't an incremental update).

    As I said in this post, if I could change anything, it would be that features would be developed consistently and with a focus on running a business better.

    I understand that it is tough to juggle everyone's priorities, but - as others have mentioned - a public road map with a little more transparency I think would help everyone set their expectations correctly. For most of us, the only reason we can think of that you WOULDN'T want to do this is because you don't want the accountability that a published road map would bring. However, I think you have expectations that aren't being met regardless of whether or not you publish a road map. add my +1 for a published road map and feature voting system and faster development cycles.

