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Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

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    Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

    Does anyone have HTML code to embed in the Email Alert to customers on a New Ticket that would show the tickets 'Description' text?

    On the reverse, does anyone have HTML code to embed in the Email Alert to customers on a Ticket Closed that would show the 'Resolution' text?


    Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

    This should work perfectly well for you. Just make sure you include the token for that field (you can insert them from the drop down box of fields when editing an email template).

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

      is there supposed to be any code with your message? I do not see any content.



        Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

        Actually no special HTML code is needed.

        Alerts to Customers are based on Email Templates. To edit and customize email templates just go to Settings menu -> Email Templates, copy one of the system templates (e.g. Ticket - Alerts to Customers - New Ticket - Designed) to create your custom templates and use Add Data Field button to add Ticket Description and/or Resolution fields to the template body.
        More about Email Templates can be found here.

        After customizing your own templates go to Tools-> Options -> Alerts to Customers and select these templates to be used instead of system ones (Then RESTART RangerMSP Server on your server for the changes to affect immediately).

        Hope it helps.


          Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

          I have setup a custom email alert for a new ticket. It is html coded and looks great when you go to send a test e-mail. However, when the customer actually receives the email it is text based and none of the images or coding work.

          I have restarted our server/Commit and no avail.

          Any idea whats up?



            Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

            And just a thought, could it have anything to do with my public/outbound email account I have setup?


              Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

              Are you sure that you don't have the text based email set set to be used as opposed to the HTML version?


                Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

                I am having the same issue. I made sure that the Server Settings for the Email Connector are set to use my Custom HTML template, but the end user still gets plain text (even though their email client is capable of receiving HTML). If I manually choose to Send Test Email, it looks correct in my email client.

                My main concern is getting it to work with the Email Connector, so customers opening tickets that way get a nicely formatted response.

                Does this work for anyone else?


                  Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

                  Please find an update: we hope that we have managed to fix the issue that happens under this technical configuration and believe that it is related to how the mail server, set to be used by the Email Connector, is configured.

                  We have already sent you the instruction to install the patch.

                  Please keep us posted if the issue was solved, in case it is anyone that is facing the same issue is welcome to drop us an email and get the update.


                    Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

                    We are having this issue now but are sending out txt based emails. Will this patch be included in the next release in case we decide to make a change to html emails?


                      Re: Customizing Alerts to Customers (HTML to show Description of Trouble Ticket)

                      Yes, it will. In any case, it is a breeze to install so you probably shouldn't delay anything and in case you want to use HTML templates and the above happens to you please drop us an email and we'll provide it to you.

                      Hope this helps.

