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Activity Templates

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    Activity Templates

    Hello all

    Is there a way to create a working template. Example, when cleaning an infected computer I have certain steps I take. When creating a ticket I have to type this in every time. is there a template I can create that will have all of the steps I perform automatically. The only thing I would need to do is select the number of billable/non-billable hours.
    Thanks in advance

    Re: Activity Templates

    Thank you for asking.

    It looks like the new To-do Lists feature is exactly what you're after! Especially when using it with To-do lists templates. Give it a try.


      Re: Activity Templates

      Thanks for the quick response.
      Where would I go to create a To Do List?
      I do not have a to do list tab under the account


        Re: Activity Templates

        This is a new feature introduced in version 8. What version do you have installed? In case 8 then please try to visit 'Tab Management' Window and verify that it is selected to show.


          Re: Activity Templates

          I'm still on version 6


            Re: Activity Templates

            That's explains it then... You should consider an upgrade. Please drop us an email to discuss this at Support@... thanks.

