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Wish List

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    Wish List


    I am willing to put $200aud towards the development of these features which I really think would help boost CommitCRM as well enhance the experience for us clients.

    Integrated SMS:
    The ability to send SMS info new tickets updates bases on priority etc to Tech's as well as SMS to client to advised eg: contact us, you repair has been done and ready for pickup etc.

    Dashboard for Ticket:
    A Dashboard type screen to show current tickets, new tickets, overdue tickets etc which can be display like a TV so all staff can see on a single screen outstanding jobs, calendar evens etc.

    Paperless Job sheet through tablet:
    Ability to update ticket/details on a tablet but able to have client sign on the screen of the tablet which will allow a printout/PDF at work so a paper job sheet needs to be printed and taken onsite.

    This way tech can be deploy through office direct to tablets as I often get jobs when I am out I have to either come into work get the job sheet of login to my webinterfave and printout the jobsheet at a clients.

    Regards, Chris

    Password Manager:
    able to record multi username/passwords for assets and ability to encrypted password?

    Re: Wish List

    Thank you for posting this, everything has been logged for review.

    Please find some related feedback:

    Integrated SMS:
    You can already use RangerMSP Online Services feature and connect to your SMS gateway to send Ticket updates to technician or customers. The only requirements would be for the SMS gateway to support and offer SMS sending API that can be structured as a standard URL. You will, however, have to trigger these from the Online Services icon in the Tickets Window.

    Paperless Job sheet through tablet:
    Using Web Interface technicians can view and update Ticket details, log Charges and even more. Tickets can be printed to PDF, saved to device and signed using signature capture application compatible with your device. The signed PDF can be sent to customer via email and attached to the Ticket.
    Besides, we already work on some enhancements to this process, stay tuned!

    * Password Manager - I've added your vote to this request. Thanks.

