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Delete Account with linked Tickets

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    Delete Account with linked Tickets

    RangerMSP User Question*

    Is there any way to delete an account with linked tickets? Can the tickets still exist in the system if the account related to them is not there any more?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Delete Account with linked Tickets


    An Account with linked Tickets or any other linked records such as Charges, Contracts cannot be deleted unless you first delete all linked records.

    In case the reason you need to delete the Account is that it is a duplicate Account - then you can use Account Merge tool to merge between two customers. As a result the redundant Account will be deleted and all records (Tickets/Charges etc) will be moved automatically to the master Account.

    As alternative you can set the Account status to Inactive. Starting from RangerMSP version 7 inactive Accounts are hidden by default

