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Using API to change ticket label

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    Using API to change ticket label

    Hi guys,

    I wouldnt even know where to start to programatically talk to CommitCRM, but this is what I am wanting to do.

    We predominatly use labels to illustrate the ticket status, particularly "waiting on customer". What I want to be be able to do is run a script against open tickets looking for an external update time that has changed since the last time the script was run and the changing the ticket label.

    What we do is mark a ticket as "waiting on customer". It would be great if when an external update has been received, we can remove that label and perhaps replace it with "Ticket Updated by Customer" or something.

    Any guidance greatly appreciated.

    Re: Using API to change ticket label

    Before we get into technical stuff and see how we can achieve something like this, what you described is exactly what the Tickets Inbox is all about.

    In short - Any time a customer sends in an email that is converted into a service Ticket besides being listed under the Open Tickets view, the Ticket is also pushed to the Ticket Inbox.

    Also, when the customer reply by email to an existing ticket - the ticket is automatically pushed to the Tickets Inbox.

    In case customers are also using the Web portal, the logic is the same - whenever they open a new ticket - it is also pushed to the Inbox, when they add notes to an existing tickets, it is pushed there as well.

    Once you got read the customer latest update you simply remove it from Inbox. Then if the customer replies it is automatically pushed to the inbox again, and so forth.

    Hope this helps.

