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Filters with Or logic

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    Filters with Or logic

    Trying to see how we can use the filters and in the "User Defined Field" have an Or logic or use Or logic between Field Names.

    Meaning, we need a way to use filters and pull in "item 1" OR "Item 2"

    From everything i have tried i can only get AND logic between filters.

    Also, even filtering on multiple different things, would be nice to show "Tickets with Immediate as Priority" OR tickets with "XXXXX as Ticket Manager"

    I can only get it to work as, "Tickets with Immediate as Priority" AND tickets with "XXXXX as Ticket Manager"

    Any suggestions?


    Re: Filters with Or logic

    thank you for asking. Indeed the condition between the lines is AND based. We actually have a feature request on file to support the OR condition in the advanced filtering Window and I've just added your vote. Thanks for asking!


      Re: Filters with Or logic

      how could be do this if it is the same filed? Meaning, want to pull contracts starting with Code XXX or YYY

      From what i can see, can't do that. has to be AND?

      Is there a way to do it like something as simple as XXX or YYY, XXX|YYY, XXX||YYY ?


        Re: Filters with Or logic

        Yes, this can definitely work. If you have a single field that has a drop down list of values (think City, State, or any other field, including custom one, that has a dropdown with a customized list of values you can pick from), then when you open the filtering window and select that field, you have the option to click the magnifying glass icon and then select several different options from the list of options set for this field.

        The condition between these is OR.

        So a simple example is - you can filter to see a list of all customers that are located in City X, City Y or City Z.

        Same for other fields, like the Ticket Type, source, category, Field1, Field2, etc.

        Hope this helps and thanks for your follow up question.

