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GFI Event alerts

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    GFI Event alerts

    I am getting my inbox spammed by multiple GFI alerts for the same issue, so for now I am telling it to skip all alerts but I want to be able use this without all of the alerts from the same issue spamming me.

    Is there a way to tame the GFI alerts?

    Re: GFI Event alerts

    We suspect that you refer to an Email Alert that is sent to you each time a report is received from GFI MAX about another failed-check of the same issue, one that has already created a ticket in RangerMSP automatically.

    Such email alerts are sent as a result of the GFI MAX failed check notification to RangerMSP about the checking failing again. As a result RangerMSP adds a new audit note under the Ticket history - and that's what trigger the email alert that you receive.

    While there is no way to stop getting alerts about such failures (well, except for disabling alerting on tickets), you can most likely configure and Outlook or Gmail rule that can identify the email based on its formatted Subject line and possibly body, and have the rule to archive that email so it'll skip your inbox.

    Another option is to mark the problem as resolved in GFI MAX and as a result it'll stop sending RangerMSP failed check reports. We understand that this is not always the desirable thing to do, but I mention it here anyhow.

    Hope this helps.

