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Block of hours contract questions

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    Block of hours contract questions

    I have one customer who periodically goes over their monthly alotment of hours. I want this time to be billable, but at the discounted rate that the contract provides. Is there a way for this to happen automatically or do i have to go back and find all ticket entry's that exceed the contract and manually handle them?

    Re: Block of hours contract questions

    Nothing seamless. Could you run a report on contracts that have overused their block of hours? ...and then once per month manually create a single charge for the overage amount?


      Re: Block of hours contract questions

      Thank you for posting this.

      In addition to @lpopejoy suggestion - when adding the Charge the user is warned that block has already been used entirely - in that stage the user can mark the Charge as Billable.

      As for discounted rates - those can be set using Custom Pricing for that Contract, so the rate for that billable charge will automatically be the discounted one.

      Check our Wiki Over-used Hours article.

      Hope this helps.

