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Ticket notification question

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    Ticket notification question

    RangerMSP User Question*

    We receive alerts from backup software installed on client systems. The software is configured the same with all of our clients and the alerts all show that they are coming from and to one of our addresses. As an example they all show they are coming from to We then have an account/contact in RangerMSP tied to this email address. So when an alert email comes in from this address a ticket is created and the automatic response is sent back to it.

    We don’t want the auto response to go back and wanted to find out if there is a way to exclude this somehow for tickets to this address?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Ticket notification question


    Sure, you may consider using the Automated Emails feature of the Email Connector.

    The first benefit of using the automated emails feature is that it does not send auto-responses as it assumed these to be automated-emails, e.g. ones that comes from machines/software unlike from humans.

    The second benefit is that you may configure the source software (backup software in this case) to send its email notifications From an email address of the CUSTOMER (or domain if you log the customer domains under the customer account in RangerMSP to enjoy a catch-all domain rule so any sender from this domain will be accepted and a ticket created).
    When you do that, the ticket will open directly under the customer Account, unlike the generic Account (In case this is something that will serve you better).

    In short when it comes to configuring Automated Emails -
    You define a rule that detects such automated emails, like it's automated when "Backup-Report:" if found on the email subject. Once identified - the email will not be processed using the normal flow but rather will get processed as 'automated'.
    Next you define a rule to identify the Account to relate the new ticket to - this can be based on the sending email address, or a word located on the subject line, like one that holds the Account#
    The last step is optional and it allows you to define skip-rules, meaning, conditions that when met - the email is skipped, for example "Backup-Report: Result - Success" - The "Result - Success" can be configured as skip rule so no ticket will be created for that.

    When defining the rules be careful as if you define a too broad rule - it'll "hijack" standard emails and will process them as automated ones.

    Click to learn all about Automated Emails.

