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Contract hours

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    Contract hours

    RangerMSP User Question*

    I had a quote and converted it to a QuickBooks invoice. The problem is that I assigned it to our block of time contract and it should be a different one, and now I can’t change it. So our block of time contract is several hundred hours over now. Is there any way to reassign the invoice to a different contract or can I add hours to the block of time contract so we don’t have to do the math to figure out what is left?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Contract hours


    Yes, it is possible to fix this.

    The easiest option is to increase Contract block - go to Contract details Window, select the relevant Contract and then under the 'Contracts' main menu select 'Modify Initial Block value'

    Another option is to update the Charges and select another contract for them. As these Charges were already included in the invoice, you should first remove the link to invoice for these Charges using QB button on the toolbar in Charges window.
    Then you will be able to update the Charges and change the Contract. In order to link the Charge back to the Invoice, use 'Link to Existing Invoice in QuickBooks' in the same QB menu.

