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Resolution / History

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    Resolution / History

    RangerMSP User Question*

    We have been using the Resolution field in Tickets to record reasons for any delays. As an example, we might enter: client left notebook at home call on Monday to reschedule, then we enter the date and employee’s initials. This doesn't always work well because there is no audit trail and our technicians often forget to enter the date and/or their initials, so we don’t always know when or who made the note. Is there a better way to record notes that explain why the ticket is still outstanding?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Resolution / History


    There may be a better way, however it depends on your workflow, here it is:

    You should consider adding add History Notes under the Ticket (from the History tab, or the More Actions dropdown on the toolbar).

    History Notes will be also displayed under the Preview tab.

    The nice thing with such notes is that they automatically track and log the date/time they were created on as well as the name of the user adding them.

    NOTE: The system can be configured to let customers to see such History Notes - this depends on the Web user Privileges Group - so customers use the portal and already use/see such notes this may not be a good option, otherwise we believe that it services your exact requirements.

