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Invoice number

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    Invoice number

    Is there a spot in Tickets to put in an Invoice number?

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Invoice number

    When working with RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link, you use Charges in order to generate an Invoice in QuickBooks (you can generate the Invoice in the Ticket level from File > New > QuickBooks Invoice).

    Once the Invoice is created, you can view the Charge details, and see the related Invoice reference number in the top part of the Charge Details window. You can also filter Charges by a QuickBooks reference number and find all the Charges which were used for a specific Invoice. You can read more about these options in our RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link guide, under Charges > Available Actions.



      Re: Invoice number

      I have made a custom report that will at as my invoice generator, the one thing that it lacks is the invoice number. This report uses the system report " Accounts Charges" which is a different account for each page. Say I do work for four different customers in one week and generate an invoice at the end of the week for all of them, and I want each page to be a different invoice number.

      I have spent 4 hours trying to figure out a way to get a number into the invoice that will auto increment. This is the best way I could think of a work around.

      1) set a user defined field at time of report generation like say 5( which is the last invoice number used)
      2) Add the page number to that last invoice number there for each page will get a new invoice number ( page 1 would have invoice number 6, page 2 would have invoice number 7, etc..)

      That way each page ( which is an individual invoice) would have a unique invoice number.

      But I cant figure out how to do that. Any idea?


        Re: Invoice number

        Hi GerritVK ,

        I believe I understand what you are trying to do, however, RangerMSP doesn't handle accounting invoices (accept for when integrating RangerMSP with QuickBooks) and there isn't a way to add an auto-incremented field to serve as your "invoice" number. In case you invoice your customer per each ticket, you may use the ticket number itself as your invoice number as this is a unique and auto-incremented value. Also, in case you'll be using RangerMSP QuickBooks link you will be able to use all QuickBooks Invoice reference options. Another alternative may be to export the charges to Excel and manipulate the data externally, though this will require more manual work.



          Re: Invoice number

          I decided to go ahead and pay for the QuickBooks integration. Sorry just a cheap Dutchman, trying to stretch the buck. I do say QuickBooks integrates very nice with the module. Great work.

          Thank you for your time


