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History updated inside ticket

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    History updated inside ticket

    RangerMSP User Question*

    When I am replying to a ticket my response is not added to the ticket history until the client messages me back.

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: History updated inside ticket


    When replying to the ticket your email should go TO the Email Connector Public Email Address (like Support@...) and NOT to the customer directly. The Email Connector will then file your reply under the ticket and will also send it to the customer, e.g. to all of the different External Email Recipients listed under the Ticket.

    Note: The email address each employee use to send their replies to customers must also be logged in RangerMSP under the Employee Account record, or else it will not be recognized as a reply by employee.

    You can learn more about how this all works and find some useful tips in the following article

    Email Threading

    Hope this helps.

