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Charges missing after copying contract

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    Charges missing after copying contract

    Copying contract for monthly billing. Use the 'copy to new period from the original contract' and during process select yes to copy charges. Looks like everything copies over but the charges are missing. I have done this with hundreds of other contracts (just like this) that seem to work but this particular contract is not.

    This account has other contracts that are quarterly that are working correctly. I am sure I could re-create this contract but the problem is that I am afraid there are others that are doing this but we may be unaware.

    The original contract was created in January with 4 charges. When it renewed via batch copy contracts, it put the contract out there in February with the .0001 ext but no charges were there.

    In March it did the same thing with .0002 and no charges.
    But in April it put 3 of the charges on the .0003 (so randomly dropped one).

    I just happened to notice the May copy when it did the .0004 that no charges were there. So that's why I'm trying to go back to the original and do a copy again but it will not bring over the charges. Any ideas?

    Re: Charges missing after copying contract

    The 'Charges' that are copied are ONLY ones listed under the 'Charges - Contract Price' tab, and NOT others that are only listed under the Charges tab.

    With renewals you want that the Charges that represent the price will get copied, but not others that represent usage.

    Also note that when the contract is renewed it copies the Price Charges from the most recent (unlike the first) Contract in the sequence.

    I hope the above helps. In case it does not it might be related to an error of some sort. In such a case please email us some screenshots showing the situation. We may later ask for the log files, but in general the above normally helps.

