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    When I print a ticket that the techs take on site, at the very bottom it says "Produced by Commit. License registered to my company name"

    Is there a way to omit that. I give a copy of the ticket to the customer, and i just think that looks un professional on the bottom. I would rather have my company logo or something instead of that.

    Also what is the best way to get my company logo on the tickets?


    Re: Tickets

    I too, print tickets to take on-site. Have you figure out or found a resource for carbon paper with a regular laser printer so we can leave a signed copy with the client?



      Re: Tickets

      Hi rodder,

      You can add your logo to reports by customizing them. To customize RangerMSP reports, you should first copy it so you will have your own copy, and then click the Design button.

      In order to allow an image to be displayed in the header, you need to disable the textual header first by right-clicking the Header title and un-checking the "Visible" option.

      You can then add an image to the report, and load your logo image file. I recommend that you read the detailed instructions on our web site, under Support > FAQ > Reports. Note that while in the designer window, you can also disable the "footer" part from being displayed in the report - this will omit the credit from the report.

      BTW, you may be interested to know that in version 4.3 you will be able to easily print out Service Forms for all scheduled jobs per employee. It will allow you to filter any Ticket reports to generate only Tickets which have scheduled appointments in a given date, for a specific employee.




        Re: Tickets

        Any timeframe on 4.3? I'm asking so I know how many changes to worry about making before the release. I'd really hate to invest a bunch of time in customizing things only to see that you added a feature that did the same thing. :-)


          Re: Tickets


          An official version release announcement will be published in the following days. You can actually already get the version now - contact us directly at Support @ for more details.




            Re: Tickets

            FYI - as discussed in this thread, version 4.3 was released and it includes the ability to print Tickets reports for scheduled Appointments.

            This filtering option for Ticket reports allows you to easily print Ticket reports for all your scheduled visits for specific dates.

            You can filter the Ticket reports to print Tickets which have scheduled Appointments in the calendar, for specific dates and employees. This is useful in certain situations, like when you have on-site appointments, and you would like to print out all the Technician Service Forms so that you have the information on hand. Now you can print out all the Service Forms at once, by filtering: All Tickets + scheduled for tomorrow + where I'm the Appointment owner.

            This option is available from the Report Generation Window, for all of the Tickets reports. To activate the filtering, check the Filter according to Appointments checkbox


