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Secondary Contacts Batch Update

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    Secondary Contacts Batch Update


    If an account has 30 secondary contacts at a branch office with a different address to the main account and that branch office moves, how do I go about changing the address of those 30 secondary contacts or any other field for that matter such as the phone number?


    Re: Secondary Contacts Batch Update

    Thanks for asking, you should create the first contact of the branch and then simply creat a new contact by copying the secondary contact instead of using the new button to create it. This way the branch address will be copied to the newly created contact. In case you already have the contacts created then there is no other way than to update them on a one by one basis. Hope this helps!


      Re: Secondary Contacts Batch Update

      Hmm, that's not an ideal situation if you have many secondary contacts to update.

      I wonder if any other users have run into this problem and have a suitable workaround?


        Re: Secondary Contacts Batch Update

        After reviewing your question again we thought that the following may work:

        You can update multiple Secondary Contacts details using Batch Update Accounts feature.
        First you should carefully filter the Accounts list to list only Secondary Contacts you want to update (i.e. for specific Account). This might be tricky, but possible:
        Assuming that all contacts have the same Company Name in their details you can search them by Company Name (you can use any other field).
        As it will also list main Account, Advanced Filter may be applied - click Filter button and define the filter for 'Contact Status Equals Active'.
        This will eliminate main Accounts.
        Once Accounts list shows only Contacts to-be-updated, go to main Accounts menu > Tools > Batch Update and define the field/s with the data you want to change.

        Important: take a backup before running Batch Update as the action cannot be undone.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Secondary Contacts Batch Update

          That's good news, thank you.

