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Calendar View

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    Calendar View

    When viewing the Daily or Weekly calendar with multiple users selected, is there a way to include the Employee Name in the appointment so that it's easier to determine who the appointment belongs to?

    At the moment, I just see appointments dotted all over the calendar but don't know which employee they belong to unless I open the appointment.


    Re: Calendar View

    Thank you for posting this.

    You can see appointment details including the Employee name in the hint/yellow-bubble shown when the mouse cursor is positions above the appointment even without opening its appointment details. You should see the employee name in the first row with brackets.
    Employee name is not included automatically in the appointment description, though users can add it.

    One more tip: It is possible to set a color for appointments and also to define default color for new appointments for every employee under their Employee account record - the Employee tab. This may help you to recognize employee appointments in the graphical Calendar (it will affect new appointments created from the time of the change, and on).

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Calendar View

      Very useful information, thank you.

