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Only send emails to clients once verified

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    Only send emails to clients once verified

    We need to be able to better control when emails are sent to clients as disabling the alerts is not suitable as we need alerts to be sent to our clients. Would it not be easy to stop emails from being sent to the client until the manager verifies the ticket?

    Only send emails to clients once verified by manager

    1)Technician completes ticket

    2) Technician hanges status to completed by tech and the ticket closes with that time so that the open close times are accurate.

    3) Manager reviews / verifies ticket and when they choose verified then the ticket info is sent to the client this way only when a ticket is verified does the closing email get sent to the client.

    Re: Only send emails to clients once verified

    I agree this would be a handy feature as I have seen that sometimes our technician notes are not entirely suitable for the client. Thankfully no issues have arisen though this would give much greater peace of mind.


      Re: Only send emails to clients once verified

      Noted, I'm copying here our email reply to you with the suggested work flow, thanks again for your feedback.
      You can set the Close Date/Time of a Ticket without Closing the ticket. So, instead of closing a Ticket consider asking techs to change the Ticket Status to "Review" (rename the last of of the open status to this) and only Close them once reviewed, this will result in email alerts sent only on "real" close, that is after the ticket is reviewed.


        Re: Only send emails to clients once verified

        We have many techs in the field and I am pretty sure that they will be sending emails by accident by closing rather then changing the status. It also having them manually set the date and time tickets are closed has chances for error. we also have to provide reports to our clients with SLA response times and if a tech is manually entering closing times it leaves room for issues.

        I guess I will need to see if we can have CommitCRM Security restrictions stop techs from being able to close tickets and ask them to instead manually set close date and time and then hope they remember to change change statuses. I want to pay our techs bonuses on tickets being closed quickly therefore It would be much easier if a tech just closed a ticket and it auto-completed all the close data times as CommitCRM does but waited for a manger to verify before it sent the email to the client. Thanks


          Re: Only send emails to clients once verified

          We have the techs set tickets to review when they "think" they are done with it. Then the service manager checks them all and closes them.

