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Contracts Charge extra after exceeding hours

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    Contracts Charge extra after exceeding hours


    Everything fits perfecti with us, even we have tested, download a lot of help desk, CRM, etc.. of software and this software just is perfect.

    The only thing that we are no getting is that we have clients with monthly contracts and they have like ej. 8 hours a month for 500 dlls and if they pass the 8 hour limit we charge the hour but its not like a normal hour, i mean its a special price. how can i get this on commit, or cant be done?


    Re: Contracts Charge extra after exceeding hours

    Hi aldolinares,

    Thank you for the feedback :-)

    You can manage over-use hours (i.e. hours which exceed the contract limit) in RangerMSP in few ways, depending on your work-flow.

    Note that when adding Charges for block-Contracts, these charges are added as "Not Billable" by default, as the system assumes you have received the payment for this. Each Charge reduces the block amount so you can check the profitability for this block contract.

    When adding a Charge which exceeds the block limits, the system alerts you with a message. You can then decide how to handle this. If you wish to bill the customer for the over-used hours, you can set the over-used hours Charges as "billable" charges and invoice them to the customer on top of the block invoice. You can define a special Item to be used in the Charges, which will reflect a special rate for over-used hours, and use it when adding the over-used Charges.

    You can read more about setting special rates for over-used hours in this guide.


    Last edited by Support Team; March 5, 2014, 01:43 AM. Reason: updated link


      Re: Contracts Charge extra after exceeding hours

      Thank you.

      That fix everything :)

      We are testing the software on trial but will definitly buy it



        Re: Contracts Charge extra after exceeding hours

        Now i got into this:

        Now i can charge non billable the hours that dont exceed the contract and mark billable the ones that goes over the hours that contract have.

        But on every report even if i try to make a custom one i am unable to configure one that could have the info of the total hours that are not billable and the ones that are billed extra so the client can see it.

        What i would like if it can be done, is have the total hours with the ticket info of one month descripcion and solution, but also the total hours, total extra charges, i could do this but i will have to do the labor charges in ($0) and the extra with the correct amount but that way i would not know how much the contract is really costing me.


        Hope that i be clear :)


          Re: Contracts Charge extra after exceeding hours

          Showing Non-Billable Charges in the report but not adding them to the Total Charge is a good idea, and we may add this capability in one of our future releases (this is on our list...).

          As you suggested, at the moment, you can set the non-billable charges with no price (set the price to $0). Then you can use this charge in reports and it will not be added to the total price.

          As you noticed, this is good for some of the contract types (such as Block-Of-Time) since the amount of time will still be reduced from the block so you can calculate the contract's profitability. For Block-of-money contracts this is not ideal....

          In any case, as said, we will add this reporting capabilities in one of our next version. Thanks for bringing it up.


