Is there a setting somewhere to auto close a ticket after so many days?
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Ticket Auto Close
- 16
Ticket Auto Close
- 188
Re: Ticket Auto Close
It would be nice if we could select an "auto close" status that would then auto close a ticket after a set period of time.
- 1146
Re: Ticket Auto Close
+1 That would be a nice feature. Pending close if the customer doesn't email back etc.
Now we have to manually set the status to "pending" then close it after 36 hours.
Support Team
- 7562
Re: Ticket Auto Close
Thank you. Feedback noted.
- 1146
Re: Ticket Auto Close
Just found out today that zendesk has auto close....
Support Team
- 7562
Re: Ticket Auto Close
This may be true but they are mainly an email based ticketing system, not a PSA nor does it dedicated to IT, for example, it does not do billing/charges and similar stuff that may be a requirement for closing tickets you bill for and need to reference under a contract. In any case, the requirement for auto-close is clear and we will consider the options under what terms it should get closed automatically and which of the tickets fall into the criteria of ones that need to auto-close, unlike others that must get Charges logged under them first (etc.). Thanks for your input.
- 188
Re: Ticket Auto Close
For follow-ups we would like to set a 24-hour auto-close, which for us means that after we have logged charges against a ticket, we can set it to a "complete-pending" or something like that, which would then close the ticket 24 hours after choosing the status.
Support Team
- 7562
Re: Ticket Auto Close
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
- 1146
Re: Ticket Auto Close
As a workaround, we created ticket templates 1) Ticket reminder and 2)Pending close.
We'll (manually) send the reminder if we haven't heard from them in 24 hours, and (manually) send the pending close 24 hours from the reminder email.
It has all socially acceptable verbiage saying, we'll assume their issue has been resolved, we know your time is valuable, etc.
We'll just have to spend time sending theses (manually) since the system wont do it for us.
I see your point about auto closing tickets with open charges. That would be bad.
- 86
Re: Ticket Auto Close
+1 for something like this.
Like Nattivillin said, they do manual reminders of tickets. If we could have a status that was "Waiting on Customer" that we can assign tickets to, the assumption would be that on the MSP side, all charges are in the ticket, all our side is updated and we are just waiting on something from the client. Sometimes they just don't respond and the issue drops off.
Maybe a workflow like this:
- assign to "Waiting on Customer"
- every 24hrs, a reminder is sent (custom email template) that says they have X days before the ticket will be closed. X is configured in the Auto Close options and can be inserted into the email template as a field.
- After X days, the Closed ticket email template is triggered and the ticket is moved to completed (or a new closed status, like "No Customer Response").
Support Team
- 7562
Re: Ticket Auto Close
Thanks for your input and for sharing your perspective and ideas on this. Noted.