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Entering Non-productive hours

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    Entering Non-productive hours

    I would like to ask everyone to enter all their time into RangerMSP including non productive hours. I am not sure how I should deal with the hours which are not to be charged for any specific customer.

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Entering Non-productive hours

    In case you wish your technicians to log the hours, however you do not regard this as an expense which is going to be billed from the customer, you can add Charge using hourly Expense Items and set the amount to $0, so it will not be billed to the customer. This way you will have all the time spent logged into the system. The downside is that this Charge will still be shown in reports (if you display also non-billable hours).

    Another option, if you do not care to keep the hours registered under the specific customer, is to create a dedicated "account" for expenses (or use your own business Account in RangerMSP), and instruct your technicians to log all "non-customer-related" expenses for this Account. You can then generate Charge reports by Employee and these Charges will be displayed as well.




      Re: Entering Non-productive hours

      It would be good if the billable tick box in the charge entry screen when un-ticked would be reported as a non billable (no charge item) that does not add to the total charge of the ticket. The content of the charge should be show (i.e work performed). We see that it is our Engineers jobs to fix the ticket and managments job to determine the chargability of the labour items within the ticket. We have setup a process within CommitCRM to provide this level of authority.

      We have rasied this with CommitCRM support and the outcome was using the $0 dollar charge as contained within this thread.

      I am just adding this entry to add weight to a change for future releases.


        Re: Entering Non-productive hours

        Hi camelon,

        Thank you for your feedback. In fact, we have good news on this!

        Following customers requests we have indeed added the option to exclude the non-billable charges from the total price amount for charge reports. This will be released in our next version (version 4.4).



