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cheapest easiest SBS replacement setup?

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    cheapest easiest SBS replacement setup?

    hey guys, i've asked this in a few places, just looking for a range of opinions to settle on the best option.

    Lots of my clients with SBS2011 are coming near end of life on hardware and want to upgrade. What is the best non-cloud setup for predominantly the exchange component of SBS? I have clients on shitty internet connections who use public folders extensively with huge files so the cloud is out.

    I am thinking one physical box running hyper-v with 1 guest as a svr2012r2 file server and domain controller, and another guest running just exchange. Do I need a second DC? Could the VM host be a DC or is that a bad idea. These are small offices (under 12 workstations).

    thanks for any feedback.


    Re: cheapest easiest SBS replacement setup?

    Have a look at Kerio Connect. Easy to install and deploy. Runs stable and updates are easy. Most features of exchange without the hassle.


      Re: cheapest easiest SBS replacement setup?

      It has to be as microsoft like as possible ie. nothing changes for simple end users, support external webmail, sync for phones, outlook integrated sharing of mailboxes, contacts, calendars etc and for some clients support public folders. So i think I am still talking about the simplest MS based setup.


        Re: cheapest easiest SBS replacement setup?

        I would do exactly what you said. A physical box running hyper-v, with your 2011sbs system covered to a VM without any other changes.

        If you want to move AD forward, then deploy another VM with 2012r2 as the DC.


          Re: cheapest easiest SBS replacement setup?

          I'd migrate to a hosted cloud exchange server.

