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Mobile App

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    Re: Mobile App

    Well if I were staying I would put up $5k towards the project


      Re: Mobile App

      Thanks for your input on this LFITServices, If anyone else would like to look at this project reply here.


        Re: Mobile App

        Yep we are a MSP as well. Have been for a number of years. Fed up with the lack of automation between systems. This is a small snapshot of our journey to develop Jupiter Server.
        We can have a wider discussion by email if you like.

        There are trial versions of the Jupiter Server here.
        There is a client app called Jupiter Client Explorer.
        Support is included for Webroot and CommitCRM, with some minor integration with ITPortal and Naverisk included.
        The CommitCRM features are limited to viewing Accounts, but you will see supporting other data records is on the agenda.
        Screenshots are on the website.

        I'll chime in again later regarding a mobile app.


          Re: Mobile App

          Sorry, took a couple of days for me to post back.

          As the standard CommitCRM is a DLL file, a piece of middleware is required before any native mobile device will be able to connect.
          That piece of middleware can be our Jupiter Server or it can be something someone else develops that does the same thing.
          CommitCRM could develop that middleware, or they could develop a completely new API....but CommitCRM would still have to support the old API until all the historical solutions using the current API have been converted.
          This might be on their internal roadmap, but as with all new features, developing them means that other things do not get worked on.

          I am trying to focus on the middleware, and let others use that middleware to develop against to get the data that they need easily into a single interface.
          If I spend time and money on a mobile app, I have to support it on current and future platforms/versions.
          This becomes a distraction from the middleware that is Jupiter Server.
          I'd also need to sell the mobile app to recover costs. Nothing is for free, and I don't like adverts in apps.
          If there are some minor projects that don't take too much time and make sense in the context of Jupiter, then I'll take those on.
          But embarking on a Mobile App....not at this stage.

          Anyone here (including CommitCRM) is welcome to engage with a mobile developer to create an App that uses the Jupiter Server to connect to CommitCRM.
          We will naturally assist with any knowledge about the Jupiter Server and its supported vendor APIs that we are aware of. If we need to modify/enhance Jupiter Server to fit into the requirements of a mobile developer then I am happy to consider that.

          In closing, Jupiter Server was started to assist with connecting to CommitCRM, it then expanded in scope to support other APIs.
          To my knowledge, it is the only platform currently available that would allow a Native mobile app to connect to CommitCRM.


            Re: Mobile App

            So, we have inked a deal with CW Manage and have been slowly moving to it over the past two months. Say what you will but it is a powerful platform and integrates with just about anything. Just generate an API key.

            The mobile app does everything we need it to do.

            ConnectWise support is nowhere near as good as CommitCRM. This is what I see most moaning about CW Manage on Reddit.

            Yes, it is a big monolithic platform and we are fighting our own employees about using it but from a business owner/manager prospective it is powerful. In the end I can see it saving hours especially in the billing area. It hooks into our distributors and is already saving hours a month for billing O365 subscription.

