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Continuum Ticket status - update within Commit?

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    Continuum Ticket status - update within Commit?

    I know how to assign a ticket to the NOC/Helpdesk from within the CommitCRM software, but how can we change a Continuum ticket status from Approval Needed to Approved from within CommitCRM or see the current Continuum status?

    Re: Continuum Ticket status - update within RangerMSP?

    All updates from Continuum about the ticket, including ticket status updates, are downloaded to RangerMSP and automatically logged as History Notes that can be viewed under a Ticket Resolution/History tab. This provides you with a nice update-stream of all related updates. When it comes to Ticket approvals, this should currently be done in Continuum's portal directly.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Continuum Ticket status - update within Commit?

      Thanks! That helps me to know I wasn't missing any windows.

      Is there any plans to be able to change Continuum statuses from within CommitCRM? If not, can this be added as a feature request?


        Re: Continuum Ticket status - update within RangerMSP?

        Sure, we will add your request for changing ticket status in Continuum from withing RangerMSP. Thanks.

