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Facebook group for CommitCRM

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    Facebook group for CommitCRM

    Hi everyone and CommitCRM,

    I have created a Facebook group dedicated to CommitCRM.
    If you want to be a member, please visit this page:

    The purpose with the group is not taking over any of CommitCRM forums at all, but more like bringing us "Commit'ers" closer together.
    Having real conversations, discussions, techniques and showcases about CommitCRM. But still leaving the technical questions for the forums.
    And who knows, maybe some users could CommitFriends and help eachother even more this way.

    Anyway, I have not been with CommitCRM from the early start, but I see potential in the product and I believe that this FB Group can make
    CommitCRM even more famous. Spreading the news.

    CommitCRM. If you believe that this is a bad idea, then I will remove the group.

    Anyway, congrats on your very hard work.

    Best regards

    Re: Facebook group for CommitCRM

    Good idea


      Re: Facebook group for RangerMSP

      Thank you for creating the FB group, people may decide to opt in and participate.

      From our end, this community forum here is the only place that we plan to monitor and participate in on a regular basis. We do see some benefits in regards to using FB and a more personal connection, however it might also means having many different places where a conversations may take place and harder to follow.


