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Web Interface

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    Re: Web Interface

    I changed the CommitCRM configuration to the servers ip and i can log in from any of the company pc's. (i only tried 3 but, each from different offices). Where do we set up this dns entry?


      Re: Web Interface

      Thanks for the update. As it works on your LAN it should work on your WAN as well once port forwarding and dns are set up correctly.

      You should first define the DNS setting on your LAN server and on each of the remote sites servers (or just one if all remote sites share a DNS server) - the name should always translate to the server where RangerMSP Web Interface is installed, locally - it will translate to a local IP address, and on remote sites it will translate to external IP address of the server.

      Once the name entry is set up correctly (check with nslookup from local and remote sites), change the RangerMSPWebInterface.ini file and replace the IP address with a name - Restart the service and perform tests, first locally and then remotely.

      Let us know how it goes.


        Re: Web Interface

        I'm confused by the suggested configuration. If we access the web interface locally, then we can leave the settings like they are. If we want employees / customers to be able to access the web interface from the web, then we can setup a sub domain with a A record to point to our external IP. if we change the internal DNS servers to point to our own server, we are essentially reverse translating the name because netbios already resolves ip to name. The only way to change the internet dns servers to find us with is with a change at our domain registrar right?


          Re: Web Interface

          With your registrar set it to the external IP address - so everyone will be able to find and reach your server from anywhere (including remote sites if they have standard Internet access, which they probably do).

          However, you should overwrite these settings (for this specific sub-domain) on your LAN (where the server is) and have it translated to the local IP address of the server, not the external one, so LAN access to the Web interface will not need to go through the Internet as the server is located on the same network (you want your LAN PCs to go directly to the server).

          I hope this makes sense.



            Re: Web Interface

            we have created a subdomain with our registrar and set it to redirect to our external IP with the :4961 port , and this doesnt seem to be working. Are we doing something incorrect with GoDaddy?

            Our site is not hosted on our boxes here, we used a reseller but a redirect from the registrar shouldnt matter correct? If I type in the IP and port number in my browser it comes up fine...


              Re: Web Interface

              gshepherd, if you ping the subdomain (, does it resolve to the same IP you are typing in?


                Re: Web Interface


                Are you trying to redirect a domain name through your registrar's DNS like to an IP address and port like Or are you saying you have a web page setup on a site someplace that when you go to http:// it forwards to

                I think we need some more information to help.


                  Re: Web Interface

                  CommitCRM Team,

                  CommitCRM is a great app, but the limitation on not using port 80 is very disappointing. Since its good enough to be customer facing, I would love to be able to have a simple URL for our customers to use (i.e. no port numbers). I STRONGLY advise you to repair this issue and allow port 80 to be used. After all, you access port 443 connections for HTTPS, so why not port 80 for HTTP?


                    Re: Web Interface

                    Hi AlexAtALCON,

                    Thanks for your feedback on this. I know that the port numbers a limited in this way due to a technical limitation, however, this feedback has come up in the past and we will try to look into this again in the future. Thanks for bringing this up here.

                    Note that at the moment, rather than send your customers to the URL with the special port number, you can embed the web interface login page into your website. You can do this in one of the following ways:

                    Option 1 - sets a link that loads the RangerMSP web interface default login page.

                    Option 2 - allows you to use your own customized login page within your web site.

                    Please review this user manual page which precisely describes these options.

                    I hope this can help!



                      Re: Web Interface

                      I would like to add my voice calling for the removal of the port 80 restriction. As far as I know one port is as good as another technically speaking. Any assignments or restrictions are simply a matter of convention.


                        Re: Web Interface


                        Thanks for your feedback on this.
                        I've added your vote to this feature request, as well as your comments.

                        Reno Breen


                          Re: Web Interface

                          Hi All,

                          We use a workaround to allow us to use port 80 (ie just ). REDIRECTION -

                          We have IIS running on the same server and have a virtual site (with host header value for then for the home directory settings simple redirect it to

                          Allows for us to just type and then it automatically redirects to



                            Re: Web Interface

                            Hi Jeremy,

                            Thanks for posting this workaround.
                            We'd like to take some time to test this; and if this checks out, we'd really like to make an article for this topic, for our knowledge base.

                            Thanks again for the help.

                            Reno Breen

