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Reports to Excel or CSV

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    Reports to Excel or CSV

    Dear Commit,

    Just looking at your software as an alternative to our current solution Autotask.
    I must say I an very impressed so far.

    There was a dev request put in the forum by a user [] back on 11 Feb 2015.
    Did anything come of this?
    They asked about the ability to produce a report to Excel or CSV.
    This would allow us to perform the case reviews we do in an effective way.
    PDF is great but we use excel because we can create columns for action items and directions from the team leaders.
    We have this feature in our current system and it is almost essential.

    I know I can export table data from CommitCRM but then I need to pass it into a report writer to produce a report.
    Effectively I'd be using a completely separate package to do all my reporting.

    Love to know if there were any plans.


    Re: Reports to Excel or CSV

    I may have found it in the editor.
    I could not find any details in the manuals or google. ;-)

    It rare that google would let me down. ;-)

    I'll continue playing as experience it the best way.

