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Account Taxes and Quotes

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    Account Taxes and Quotes

    RangerMSP User Question*

    We have Tax1 applied and the item is already setup with the proper taxes. However the tax does not come up on the quote.
    How I make sure that the customer’s account is taxable? I don’t see anywhere in the accounts where I can set taxes.

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Account Taxes and Quotes

    For each customer Account the relevant Tax/es that should be applied to it should be selected under Account's Details tab:

    If needed - you can batch-apply Tax/es to existing Accounts:

    And finally you can define default Tax settings for NEW Accounts under Tools > Options > Accounts tab:

    In you have existing open Quotes you should select the following option in order to refresh/recalculate taxes for the quote after configuring everything Tax related:

