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Contract charges

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    Contract charges


    We have a number of customers with monthly time based contracts. When our customers go over their allocated time they are billed £35.00 per hour. Is there a way to automatically create the charges when the hours within the contract is exceeded?


    Re: Contract charges

    You can manage over-used hours (i.e. hours which exceed the contract limit) in RangerMSP in few ways, depending on your work-flow.

    Note that when adding Charges for block-Contracts, these charges are added as "Not Billable" by default, as the system assumes you have received the payment for this in advance. Each Charge reduces the block amount so you can check the profitability for this block contract.

    When adding a Charge which exceeds the block limits, the system alerts you with a message. You can then decide how to handle this. If you wish to bill the customer for the over-used hours, you can set the over-used hours Charges as "billable" charges and invoice them to the customer on top of the block invoice. You can define a special Item to be used in the Charges, which will reflect a special rate for over-used hours, and use it when adding the over-used Charges.

    You can read more about setting special rates for over-used hours in our Introduction to Charges and Billing guide, under Using Contracts > Advanced Contracts Scenarios > Rates for Over-Used hours.

    If you wish to transfer the over-used to a different Contract, you can create the new Contract (or copy the existing Contract using the Batch Copy Wizard – you can also read about this in "Recurring Contracts" in the same user manual), and from the Charge window, change the Contract to the new one.



