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Tickets per employee

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    Tickets per employee

    We need to be able to view all active tickets per employee. How can we do this?

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Tickets per employee

    Yes, you can view active tickets by employee in a few ways:

    1. In the Ticket window, you can filter the display to show only specific employees tickets. In the tool bar, see the "Manager" field (the manager is the technician assigned to the ticket). The default filtering is [all employees] - if you click the magnifying glass, you will be able to filter the employees list.

    2. From Tools > Options > Tickets you can change the Filter Employees to filter "all" or show only "me", which will show you only your own tickets in the tickets window by default.

    3. In addition to Ticket, you can also assign technicians with appointments and tasks to be performed. This can be easily viewed in the Dispatcher window, which displays all appointments by employees.

    4. You can generate Tickets reports and other reports, and filter them by the relevant employee.


