When in the charges part and you select the drop down for the period, e.g. today, this week, last week.
So today when you pick last last month the date range is set to 03/05/18 to 03/06/18 which is incorect. it should show 01/05/18 to 31/05/18
This month show 01/06/18 to 03/06/18, we add future charges to accounts so when i pick month it should show until 30/06/018
Today, Yesterday, This week work.
All of the other options show incorrectly.
So today when you pick last last month the date range is set to 03/05/18 to 03/06/18 which is incorect. it should show 01/05/18 to 31/05/18
This month show 01/06/18 to 03/06/18, we add future charges to accounts so when i pick month it should show until 30/06/018
Today, Yesterday, This week work.
All of the other options show incorrectly.