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As CommitCRM users and MSP's we need help

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    As CommitCRM users and MSP's we need help

    As IT folks we believe that everything we write, specifically when it pertains to security, would always signal a flag to the business owner, READ ME, but the reality is our business clients are busy doing what they do, they could care less about reading a monthly summary with multiple reports attached.

    So as a CommitCRM user I'm asking the CommitCRM team for two huge things to help MSP's.

    1) Dashboards

    When you open CommitCRM, we (IT providers/MSP's) all find our unique different ways to navigate CommitCRM, we run reports etc. But nothing helps us get a big picture of what's going on across all clients today. We need a dashboard that summarizes critical expirations across all clients, critical open tickets, upcoming contract renewals, clients that haven't been contact in the past 30 days etc., time spent per employee... These dashboards should be a holistic view of the entire client sphere, then when going into client specific accounts there should be a dashboard for that client too.

    2) Reports for clients

    We need the ability to provide a monthly HTML report, with colored graphs that summarize what's going on with our client's accounts. We need an area where we can populate their monthly spam statistics, a call out area that says hey Mr. Owner these items were performed this month, hey Mr. Owner these areas need attention please call us to approve this work to be performed. These reports need to be 1 to 2 pages at most, they need to contain graphs, charts, with good color/call out boxes for areas that contain text, the reason is business owners are busy and reading a plain text email and a b/w text report attached to an email does nothing to get them to read.

    Are these realistic items to expect in future releases ofCommitCRM.

    Thank you in advance,
    Brian Williams

    Re: As RangerMSP users and MSP's we need help

    Hi Brian,

    Yes, these realistic items to expect in future releases of RangerMSP :-)

    We are actually already working on a Dashboard feature. It will probably be included in one of our coming releases 4.4 or the one the follows 4.5.

    As for the summary report for clients. It makes sense and I understand how it can help. However, a detailed design is still required as many questions need to be answered - how to automatically summarize the last month activity, for example, say the client had 25 issues (service Tickets) we've handled with a lot of activity in each, what should be included in the summary? How will the system automatically recommend on next actions, or whether it is something that the user will type in etc. Anyway, we will look into that.
    I welcome further feedback on this from actual users so we'll be able to provide the best tool for the job.



      Re: As CommitCRM users and MSP's we need help

      I second Brian's request. Great ideas!


        Re: As CommitCRM users and MSP's we need help

        Any word on the dashboard?



          Re: As RangerMSP users and MSP's we need help

          Hi ray,

          I just checked this and the dashboard feature is indeed in our development queue. I currently do not have any additional information regarding its time frame. We may update this thread once we have more info on this. Thanks.


