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Solarwinds vs Continuum Integration

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    Solarwinds vs Continuum Integration

    Hi folks. We tried Autotask/Datto about a year ago and found Autotask to be painful to use. I've been using CommitCRM for close to 15 years and am comfortable with it. We cancelled Autotask a few months ago -- it was an expensive proposition -- and kept Datto. Datto and CommitCRM is not a great mix.

    I am looking at returning to Solarwinds RMM (GFI Max) but am intrigued with Contnuum.

    Can anyone using GFI Max or Continuum integrations help me understand the pros and cons of each?

    Thanks very much.

    Re: Solarwinds vs Continuum Integration

    We use GFI Max / LogicNow / Solarwinds (or whatever you want to call it this week) and a couple of years ago we tried Continuum... they lasted less than two weeks. The key issue we found with their RMM is how slow it is to clear an issue. Say an issue pops up on a client's PC and is reported in. You might go and fix that issue. It takes up to 24 hours to clear the alert and there was no way to manually clear it. Which could and did lead to other techs doing the same work twice wasting time. We had their people tell us to just ignor the alerts and they will clear. The whole endeavor of dealing with their sad excuse of a RMM was highlighted when we went to remove their client from our clients computer and found that we needed to log into each PC and manually remove it and their platform does not remove a client when you remove it in the portal. Their AV was lacking, it did not brand well. Overall I would stay away from it. If you want to test it out, do it on a small scale as it will be a pain to back out.

