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Outlookn Sync

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    Outlookn Sync

    The task in CommitCRM are syncing to Outlook, but the 30 minute reminders are not can you advise how I can get those reminders to appear in Outlook to?

    The autosync to Outlook function gets turned off each time I exit Commit, is there a better way to ensure that data is getting synced between Outlook and CommitCRM at all times?

    Thank you very much,
    Brian Williams
    Advantech NW

    Re: Outlookn Sync

    Hi brills,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Each system handles its own reminders mechanism. Reminders will pop in the system they were set in. This means that existing reminders are not deleted when syncing, they are just not being transferred. For example, if you set a reminder in Outlook it will pop in Outlook. If you set up one in RangerMSP it will pop in RangerMSP, even if the appointment has been updated in Outlook and the details update has been synced back into RangerMSP (regardless of the reminder). That said, we may enhance this option in the future and sync reminders as well. Thanks for mentioning this.

    The auto-sync feature currently works for the current session only. When activated it syncs RangerMSP's and Outlook calendars/tasks/contacts automatically for all employees who set this system to auto sync. This was done in order to prevent annoyance where the auto sync starts working when you do not intend it to, stopping the normal activity. Anyway, I can understand how keeping this settings active may help (actually we have already received several requests for this before) and may change the system behavior to save this setting between sessions.

    At the moment, you may consider another option of running an additional RangerMSP Client (using the same user name - this doesn't require an additional employee license) in a different PC, and set it to auto-sync. This way it will not interfere with the ongoing work on the current PC, and you do not need to logout from this session frequently. If this is feasible for you, it can provide an interim solution for now.

    I hope this helps.


