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Notifications to multiple employees

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    Notifications to multiple employees

    Hello everyone,

    I have recently setup the CommitCRM alerts server and I have a question about configuring alerts that I cant find an answer to.

    Whenever a ticket is created or changed via the web portal it seams to only get sent out to the azccount manager. I have a group of techs that i would like to have all tickets and changes sent to. DOes anyone know how to accomplish this?

    Re: Notifications to multiple employees


    My thought was to create a new employee in CommitCRM called "Support" or something like that and then have the email address for that employee point to a distrobution group in our exchange server


      Re: Notifications to multiple employees


      I believe you are referring to alerts for new tickets/updated ticket via the customers' web interface. When a customer creates a new ticket, this tickets is automatically assigned to the Account Manager. The alerts are sent to the Account Manager, and to the Ticket Manager (in this case, it's the same person but once you assigned it to another technician s/he will get an alert too about this assignment). When the customer updates an existing ticket, and alert is also sent both to the Account manager and the Ticket Manager (if they have registered themselves to these alerts in the alerts options window).

      To receive an alert to many different email addresses when a customer adds/updates a service Ticket (regardless of who the Account or Ticket managers are) follow one of these options:

      1. You can setup employees to receive "Tickets - Opened" alerts, and "Tickets - Closed", which means they will receive alerts for all new tickets created in the system, and tickets being closed (via the web interface or via the application). This This will not cover tickets updates - only new tickets and tickets being closed. This option is usually used by dispatchers (ticket open) or accounting/billing managers (ticket close => bill the ticket).

      2. You may also consider using the solution you have suggested (using distribution group in your exchange server), however, rather than using an additional employee for this, you may utilize the employee's Email2 field (in the Address tab) and set the distribution list email address there. When the employee then defines the alerts rules from Tools > Options > Alerts, they can choose to send the alerts to Email1, Email2 and both. Note that this solution may result with many email alerts being sent for each event, though helpful, this option should be considered carefully.

      3. You may also consider the simpler "web notifications" (which are not part of the Alerts Server mechanism but can easily work side by side with it), which allows you to define a group of recipients which will receive alerts for any new tickets or updates performed via the customer's web interface. You can read more this here.

      I hope this helps.



        Re: Notifications to multiple employees

        Hi everyone,

        We are a small IT consulting group (3 emp), I had everyone set up with a distribution group in the email2 field. And eveyone is set up to receive all alerts. Now, if I go in and update or create something, say a ticket, that I am an account manager for, will anyone else receive an alert?


          Re: Notifications to multiple employees

          Hi emedina,

          Whenever users set up their alerts settings (Under Tools > Options > Alerts tab) they select to which email address the alert will be sent to: Email1, Email2 or both.

          Whenever RangerMSP Alerts Server detects a situation that it needs to send an alert to a specific user, the alert will be sent to the email address/es the user has selected (i.e. email1, email2 or both).

          The alert server doesn't "know" that the email address you put for each employee user record under the email2 field is a distribution list email address. It simply sends the alert to the specified email address.

          In case your mail server identifies this incoming email message as one that should be stored in more than one mailbox, it will probably do so and will distribute it to all users, but anyway, it is out of the scope of what is handled by RangerMSP's Alerts Server which simply sends the alert to the specified email address.

          I hope this makes sense.


