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Ticket allocation time

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    Ticket allocation time


    Is there a way of seeing the time and date a ticket was allocated from the tickets screen and also who it was allocated to?

    Kind Regards

    Re: Ticket allocation time


    yes, you can see who created the ticket and at which date and time the ticket was created in the Ticket's Notes tab, at the bottom part of the tab, where it says: "Created". It also shows the last updated time in the "Updated" field.

    The current assigned technicianis the employee set in the Manager field in the Ticket's general tab. If you reassign the ticket to a different employee, you can see this update in the Ticket's History tab (see the "Audit" history lines). This way you have a full track of the Ticket's life cycle.

    I hope this helps.



      Re: Ticket allocation time

      Thanks Sherry, I have been asked by my Manager to revise my question...

      A call has been logged – a customer calls to ask when it will be actioned - we can see the ticket on the screen by searching under tickets for the company but how do we know to whom the call has been allocated to (engineer) and see the link in the engineers diary ??

      Hope you can help



        Re: Ticket allocation time

        Thanks for the clarification.

        Yes, you can see to whom the ticket has been allocated to (engineer) by viewing the Ticket's Pending tab. In this tab, you can see all linked Appointments and Tasks. In this Pending list, you can easily see which Appointments are allocated for this Ticket, and who is the technician assigned for the Appointment.

        By the way, is you use the Customer's Web Interface, they can login and view the Ticket themselves. In the Ticket they can scroll down to the Pending area and see their pending Appointments for this ticket, the date and time for the appointment and who is the technicians assigned to it.

        I hope this helps.



          Re: Ticket allocation time

          Thanks again, I will take a look at that.

          Is there any way we can create a field for travel time?



            Re: Ticket allocation time

            You can manage travel time by logging Charges with special Expense items. Each Charge is based on a "Charged Item" which can be one of 3 types: "Labor", "Part/Product" or "Expense". Each of these types, has secondary classification within the Item itself, so you can have an "Expense - Travel" item.

            You technicians can then use Labor items to charge work and Expense Items to charge other expenses, such as Travel. You can then filter the reports according to the Charged item type.



