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TEMP File Usage

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    TEMP File Usage

    We're seeing higher than usual storage in some tmp folders.

    C:\COMMITCRM\zTmpCRM20200522-231240_475\ is 11G

    C:\COMMITCRM\Tmp\ is 4G

    C:\COMMITCRM\Logs\ 3G

    Is this normal?

    Re: TEMP File Usage

    Thank you for posting this.

    You can (carefully!) delete the files from the zTmpCRM20200522-231240_475 folder.

    Regarding the \Tmp folder - it also can be emptied, though you should probably keep the files from the last month or so.

    The sizes you mentioned are a bit on the extreme side, so we'd recommend that you also browse the files before removing them - just to verify no unrelated files, that you still need, were accidentally moved there and now be removed.

    Logs folder - please keep the log files from the last two months. All other files we would recommend to zip and only then to delete them.

    Hope this helps.

