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Native Mobile App supporting RangerMSP

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    Native Mobile App supporting RangerMSP


    I have confirmed with RangerMSP Support that I can post this here.

    We are intending to soon engage a Mobile Developer to create a Native Mobile app that uses our Jupiter Server product
    to connect to RangerMSP and support viewing and editing RangerMSP Tickets.
    We are hoping the first version of our Mobile App will be released during the first half of 2021.

    I would please like your help to let me know which are the most popular mobile operating system and device types across the RangerMSP community and next most important feature after Ticket Management to support.
    There is a survey here to collect that information.

    The mobile app will be free in the App stores (or minimal cost depending on the App store rules)
    To function the mobile app will require a licensed Jupiter Server installed on your LAN to function. There will be no licensed limit on the number of mobile devices you can use to connect to Jupiter Server.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Kind regards

    Andrew Dent
    Dentaur Pty Ltd

    Re: Native Mobile App supporting RangerMSP

    I'm not sure how others feel but I wouldn't allow a 3rd party access to our system. Way too many security risks to allow something like that. I would much rather see something development time come from RangerMSP on this.


      Re: Native Mobile App supporting RangerMSP

      Absolutely understand the concern.
      We are also an IT MSP support provider and a RangerMSP licensed customer.
      I wouldn't open up our customers to 3rd Party access either.
      This is why Jupiter Server sits on your LAN. It isn't a cloud service.
      Jupiter Server is installed on a Windows PC/Server of your choice on your LAN. Just like RangerMSP is.
      The mobile app would connect directly into your instance of Jupiter Server. There is no 3rd party access involved.

      The communication between the Mobile App we are building and Jupiter Server is similar in principle to if you install a Synology NAS on your network and then install one of the Synology Mobile apps on your phone. The Synology mobile apps connect directly to the NAS you purchased. No 3rd party service involved.

      Kind regards


