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    Our customers who are on contract have service level agreements, one of the points of these agreements is that we respond within 4 hours. Is there a way in which CommitCRM can alert us when a ticket has been open for more than 4 hours?

    Also we would eventually like to create reports for each account showing response times for tickets. We only work Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm, if a service call is logged and a ticket is created on Friday afternoon at 16:30pm and we complete the call at 10:00am on the following Monday morning the ticket shows it was open for 65.5 hours where in reality it was only open for 2 hours as the weekend was in between. This looks bad when showing reports to customers, out of office hours display as a different colour in Dispatcher but is there anyway of pausing the ticket timers on out of office hours?

    Any plans to add a knowledge base facility within the software?

    Once again, your help is greatly appreciated.


    Re: SLA's


    Please find the answers below:

    Our customers who are on contract have service level agreements, one of the points of these agreements is that we respond within 4 hours. Is there a way in which RangerMSP can alert us when a ticket has been open for more than 4 hours?
    You can use the Ticket's Due Date field in order to track tickets which are overdue. When the ticket is overdue, the due-date will appear in red when viewing the ticket or the tickets list. So if the Ticket is urgent, you can set the due date for the same day or the day after, and if it is not handled on time, it will be red. You can also easily sort the open Tickets list by Due Date to easily see all open Tickets that needs attention.

    You can also use the priority field to indicate tickets which must be handled in the same day. You can make sure that the techs sort their Tickets list by priority, so the higher-priority tickets will appear at the beginning of the list.

    For very urgent issues, you can add a Task for this Ticket, and set a reminder in 4 hours, so it will pop up when the time comes.

    Also we would eventually like to create reports for each account showing response times for tickets. We only work Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm, if a service call is logged and a ticket is created on Friday afternoon at 16:30pm and we complete the call at 10:00am on the following Monday morning the ticket shows it was open for 65.5 hours where in reality it was only open for 2 hours as the weekend was in between. This looks bad when showing reports to customers, out of office hours display as a different colour in Dispatcher but is there anyway of pausing the ticket timers on out of office hours?
    The system can display the open and close times of the Service Ticket, and this currently does not take into account the actual working hours. This is an interesting feedback and I logged it to be further considered. Thanks.

    Any plans to add a knowledge base facility within the software?
    Yes, we do plan on adding a Knowledgebase feature which will be integrated into RangerMSP and will let you manage an articles tree, each article will list a description about the problem and the steps to solve it, etc. This will probably be released in one of our future versions (we release new version several times a year).

    At the moment, you can also use the easy-search on RangerMSP Tickets. You can search for words in the Description, Resolution and Notes fields of all previously handled service Tickets and use this as your knowledge base for technicians. This way you can easily find solutions for issues you already handled. To search, when viewing the Tickets window go to the toolbar and at the top-left type the search work in the Text: field. Only Tickets that answer this search will be listed.

    I hope this helps.



      Re: SLA's

      Thanks Eitan I appreciate your feedback.


