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Resolution and History / Charges

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    Resolution and History / Charges

    Hey Everyone,

    We are having a bit of a struggle figuring this one out. We recently started using CommitCRM and we use QB for our accounting. In the past we used quicbooks to do all of our invoicing etc..

    Here is our current issue. When we create and invoice out of a ticket we need all the relavent information of labor performed to show on that QB invoice. The way it is now any information under the resolution/history section of the ticket does not translate to the QB invoice only the labor hours. THis really wont do since A customer needs to see what details were involved in that labor. THis means we need to enter that information twice. Once in resolution/istory and once in the charges field.

    Am I missing something?

    Re: Resolution and History / Charges


    When you create an invoice out of a ticket you have all the ticket's charges listed as invoice lines in the QB invoice. In each charge you can add a description explaining the work performed for this charge, and this will be copied to the invoice lines. This way you can have detailed description of all the work performed like you wanted.

    In addition, if you want to add a general comment for the invoice, describing the general resolution for this ticket, you can use the invoice memo field. When you create the invoice, just before sending it for creation in QuickBooks, you can add a general note in the Memo field (beneath the Bill-To field). You can copy-paste the resolution into this field, so it will appear in the invoice.

    I hope this helps.



      Re: Resolution and History / Charges

      The problem withthis is that we are then required to enter this information twice. Once in the resolution and history tab and then again in the charges field. Is this correct?


        Re: Resolution and History / Charges

        You can actually enter the detailed information only in the charges, since this will be included in the invoice lines. The resolution can be just a short summary line when needed, while the charges provide a detailed description of the actual work performed.


